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Update your browserLondon Careers Festival aims to:
Over 80% of young people said that LCF has
helped them think about new career options. (LCF 2022)![]()
A key theme for the London Careers Festival is what we call ‘Fusion Skills’.
Fusion Skills are a set of 12 skills which employers have told us are fundamental to the world of work now and in the future
The 12 Fusion Skills are:
In the 2019 festival, it emerged that pupils found it easier to talk about the skills they want to use when they leave school (e.g. being creative, working in teams) rather than specific jobs. Similarly, many employers were interested in showcasing the skills needed to work in their jobs.
As a result, we enable schools to filter the festival events by Fusion Skill.
The London Careers Festival is for pupils from the following age group:
For several years, the Livery Schools Link (LSL) have hosted the Livery Showcase which invites pupils from across London to hear from trades and professionals related to the Livery Companies to learn about the jobs on offer, talk to employers, and receive advice on pathways and routes to employment.
Similarly, The Stationers’ Company started to host Apprentice Careers events from 2018 under the brand of ApprenticeFutures. The event was hosted at Ravensbourne University in 2018 where it was hugely successful, so much so that it needed a bigger venue. It moved to the Guildhall in 2019 and became a part of the London Career Festival. In 2020 it went virtual with 10 employers and their apprentices running sessions for students interested in finding out about their apprenticeship programmes.
The vision for the London Careers Festival was to bring together these two highly-valued and successful events and amplify them with the many and long-standing industry partnerships of the City Corporation to collaborate on a week-long festival focused on linking learners to professionals, employers and apprenticeship providers across a range of jobs and sectors. Schools across London would be invited to participate with a choice of events and workshops across the week.
So London Careers Festival was launched and delivered for the first time in 2019! Apprentice 19 and the Livery Showcase took center stage over two days at the Guildhall, and a range of employers across London hosted ‘fringe’ career events in their workplaces. There were 5,046 bookings, from 113 schools, hosted by 128 organisations and Livery Companies for events in 2019.
ApprenticeFutures continues to be a close festival partner and is an initiative by the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. We are a Livery Company in the City of London granted a royal charter in 1557, our membership has strong links with the Communications and Content Industries. You can find out more about us here:
The ApprenticeFutures runs the annual Apprentice Careers event at the Guildhall in London as part of London Careers Festival. This event brings together a large number of well-known employers, providers, colleges and universities all of whom are involved in apprenticeship. Its also has its own website designed to help anyone seeking to find out more about Apprenticeships. From what an apprenticeship is, potential apprenticeship roles in specific industries and sectors, information and feedback from apprentices themselves about what it is like to be an apprentice, to organisations that can help identify, recruit and manage placements as well as those that give general career advice and guidance.
The Stationers have supported those undertaking apprenticeships in our industries for centuries so it is only natural that we continue to do so, promoting and advocating apprenticeships to potential candidates through our membership and through the use of new technology. We think it is important to encourage and support the aspirations of young people across the country as they consider their post-school choices as well as the ambitions of others who may already be in employment but looking to take on new skills and/or make a career change through an apprenticeship.
For more information visit our website here.
Check out the video below to see what Apprentice Futures 2022 had on offer.
LSL is a voluntary organisation that aims to promote support for schools in the Greater London area by Livery Companies of the City of London and their members, helping to prepare young people for the world of work.
They seek to act as the link between schools in need of help and members of the Livery who wish to offer assistance in any form. They act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practice in the field and maintain links with the education community.
The Livery Schools Link Annual Livery Showcase offers a special opportunity for students to meet and interact with those actively involved in a wide range of professions, trades and crafts. Pupils will get a chance to try practical tasks for themselves on some stalls and watch whilst craftsman carry out often intricate tasks on others. On the majority of stalls there will be young trainees and/apprentices who will chat to the pupils about how they made the decision to start a particular career path. Stalls are provided by many of the City of London Livery Companies and the students who attend will have a chance to learn about career paths they may never have heard of before.